Who Are We?

Aggrandize Consulting is a firm specializing in human capital strategies and programs to align the people assets with organizational plans and goals that optimize performance and increase business growth. Our firm’s mission is to design solutions to help clients achieve business goals, grow their business, reduce business failures, enhance business performance, and expand people capabilities.



What We Offer

Unlike many firms with limitations to either human resource compliance and operations or leadership development and coaching, Aggrandize Consulting offers an extensive range of human capital consulting services. Our offerings include human capital strategies, compliance and operations, and organizational and leadership development and coaching. We value our partnerships with our clients, learning their business, identifying challenges, and defining long-term sustainable solutions. Services are designed to meet our clients’ specific business needs; therefore, offering distinct, convenient, and flexible benefits without the need to partner with multiple firms.


Why We Do What We Do!

We are passionate about individual and organizational success! Businesses face challenges and mishaps that lead to unachieved goals, missed business opportunities, loss of talent, litigation, and other costly implications, including dissolution, that can be mitigated or avoided altogether. We believe if success is desired, it can be achieved!  Do you AGREE?